It`s such a passion for me I dream about cake at times, and it can get a little stressful, but delivery days, usually Saturday and Sunday are SO my favourite part of the week and they totally makes up for any stress i may have experienced on my production days.
Why is this you say?
Because my dear readers I get to meet my Fabulous Customers.
I am an online cake shop and I don`t have a retail space where people can walk in to, I work out of a registered kitchen and deliver all of my cakes instead.
This means all orders are finalized over the phone or in email exchange, so I don`t get to meet my customers face to face until I deliver their cake.
So Saturdays and Sundays I get to see the happy faces of my great customers and it really is a fantastic feeling, some days I drive all the way back to work with a huge smile on my face, quite often actually!
The warm fuzzy`s I call it.
I would like to share with you a picture of one such customer Amelia.
I created a 3D LadyBird Cake for little Amelia for her 6th birthday last month, and her Mum Rosalind clicked this great picture for me to share with you all, and after this was taken she even gave me a huge hug!
YUP you guessed it that made me smile all the way home!
Thank you so much Rosalind for capturing such a great shot, and the other photos you shared with me of Amelia`s big day were fabulous also, much appreciated.
I am truly blessed that I get to meet such amazing people, and get to make such cool cakes while doing so, the perfect job really.

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